We all want our homes to be safe and secure, but are we doing everything possible to prevent our homes from becoming the next target of a home invasion? According to the FBI, a break-in occurs about every 26 seconds in the U.S., and according to Alarms.org, 95 percent of home invasions come from forced entry by breaking windows and doors or picking a lock. Spring is prime time for home intruders, and with these 5 tips, you can protect your home from burglars.
1. Check your window for weak points
ADT Security states that 23 percent of home invasions occur from first-floor windows. Double-check to make sure your windows correctly close and lock to prevent. It’s also said that intruders look for signs of neglect when staking out a home. Signs of wood rot along window frames or unsecured windows are prime targets for break-ins.
2. Ensure your doors are functioning properly
Make sure doors can securely shut and deadbolts can properly lock. Your door should easily shut and align with the frame, and the deadbolt should easily lock into place. Garage doors are also a spot for potentials break-ins to occur. Replacing your garage door to ensure that it properly closes so your home remains protected against intruders.
3. Use lighting to deter invaders
Lighting won’t only add to your home’s curb appeal, but it will also add an extra security layer. Both indoor and outdoor lighting can give off the idea that someone is home. Leave the lights on at times or set timers that you would normally be home to create the illusion that someone is moving about the house. ADT Security suggests that properly lit homes are less likely to be broken into as invaders are inclined to act while people are out of the house.
4. Install security a system
Security systems don’t have to be lavish, but they are a key component to keeping your family and home safe and secure. Installing a visible security camera, or even a dummy one, can work to deter your home from invasion. About 60 percent of burglars said they would go somewhere else if they found out the home had a security system.
5. Maintain your lawn
One of the main signs intruders look for when casing their next invasion is obvious signs of neglect. Make sure your lawn is well-maintained to dissuade your home from being the next target. If your bushes and trees are trimmed, it will also prevent hiding spaces for intruders.
About Precision Siding & Windows
Keep your family safe and your home protected. Precision Siding and Windows is the trusted source for new windows, doors and garage doors to ensure your house is the most secure. Call us today for a free, no-obligation estimate or visit us online at precisionkc.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/precisionkansascity and @precisionkc on Instagram.